Repeat Prescriptions
We’d like to make your life a little less complicated, so you can simply request a repeat prescription of your medication here. Please complete the online form as fully as possible, and allow up to 72 hours (business hours only) for us to process the request and prepare your medication or order food. Core treatments are generally always in stock subject to any supply issues, more specialist medications sometimes have a longer lead time, so please make sure you have given us enough notice for any special items. Written prescriptions are available on request, subject to a written prescription fee. Please allow the same time for us to write the prescription and prepare the document for you. You can indicate in the additional information section of the form, if you need a written prescription rather than the product itself. For urgent prescription requests, when you have run out of medication and need an urgent re-supply, please contact us on 0203 603 4843 directly. For prescription only medications (POM-V), your vet has a duty of care to examine your pet periodically to monitor progress and assess for any unwanted side effects. The minimum interval for this check-up is 6 months, the final interval to be determined by the individual vet involved. For particularly unwell pets, or with medications expected to have more side effects, the interval may be 1-3 months. For prescription parasite treatment, we are happy to see your pet once a year, typically at the annual vaccination. If you have any additional questions regarding the supply of repeat prescriptions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
With our commitment to sustainability, please can clients return any unused pet medications to the practice for safe disposal.
Repeat Prescription Order Form
Please complete all fields as fully as possible. Thank you.
Subscribe to our Awesome W&W Platinum Health Plan!
Spread the cost of your pet’s preventative healthcare needs across the year via monthly direct debit, and make saving’s on neutering and dentistry too. We only use the best products in our plan for our patients. For further information, or sign-up please follow this link.